Essay Analysis – Bowden’s “Our Wall”

  1. Charles Bowden’s purpose in this essay is to explain the issue of the border wall between America and Mexico. He believes that a wall should not be built and provides evidence that supports his perspective. Bowden informs readers of how the wall taints the image of America as a country welcome to immigrants and explains that the wall should not be built for this reason.
  2. Bowden uses an appeal to pathos to accomplish explaining the problems that come with the border wall. He uses personal examples from “Rodolfo Santos Esquer”, “Emanuel Castillo Erúnes”, “Jesús Gastelum Ramírez”, and “Dan Duley” as evidence opposing the construction of the wall. Each of their stories show the effect the wall has on their lives in Mexico, their jobs, and their families. This emotional appeal causes the readers to sympathize with these men that are being negatively affected. Duley says, “we need help”, and continues to explain the struggles these people are facing.
  3. Despite Bowden’s strong opposing opinion, I neither agree or disagree with his perspective. I believe that it is important to protect America and its people. However, I also believe that America should welcome immigrants because of the principles this country is based on. I think immigration should be regulated more strictly, but I do not know if a border wall is the best way to accomplish that.

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